Subject-verb agreement is a crucial concept in the English language. It refers to the agreement in number and person between a subject and its corresponding verb. It is essential to maintain proper subject-verb agreement to ensure clear and effective communication in both written and spoken language.

“Adalah” is an Arabic word that means “is” or “are,” and it is commonly used in Malay language as well. In Malay language, “adalah” is used to connect a subject to a predicate. However, when it comes to subject-verb agreement, the use of “adalah” can sometimes lead to confusion.

The general rule for subject-verb agreement is that a singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. For example, “The dog barks” (singular subject, singular verb) and “The dogs bark” (plural subject, plural verb).

When using “adalah,” it is important to pay attention to the subject that follows it. If the subject is singular, the verb that follows should also be singular. For example, “Kucing adalah binatang yang lucu” (The cat is a cute animal). In this case, “kucing” is the singular subject, and “adalah” is used to connect it to the predicate “binatang yang lucu,” so the verb “adalah” is singular.

On the other hand, if the subject is plural, the verb that follows should also be plural. For example, “Anak-anak adalah pelajar yang pandai” (The children are smart students). In this case, “anak-anak” is a plural subject, and “adalah” is used to connect it to the predicate “pelajar yang pandai,” so the verb “adalah” is plural.

It is important to note that in some cases, the use of “adalah” can be omitted without affecting the subject-verb agreement. However, in certain contexts, it is necessary to use “adalah” to establish the connection between the subject and the predicate.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of the English language, and it should be taken seriously. When using “adalah” in Malay language, it is crucial to pay attention to the subject that follows it and ensure that the verb that follows agrees with the subject in number and person. By following these rules, you can ensure clear and effective communication in your writing.